How can a witch fly

This Christian movement emerged in the 12th-century. With its tenet that any member could be a priest, even a woman, and perform sacraments and preach, the bloody ire of the Catholic Church soon followed. That these heretics would also meddle with the supernatural was not a leap, but why the broomstick?

Yet it was racier than that. You might be able to guess where this is going. Megan Garber at the Atlantic cites the 15th-century writing of Jordanes de Bergamo, who stated:. The vulgar believe, and the witches confess, that on certain days or nights they anoint a staff and ride on it to the appointed place or anoint themselves under the arms and in other hairy places.

Matt Soniak at Mental Floss quotes Antoine Rose, who in , when accused of witchcraft in France, confessed that the Devil gave her flying potions. And think of the splinters! Sign up for our email newsletters! In Infinities, guest-edited by curator and art historian Nadia Kurd, artists and writers discuss the influence of Islamic visual cultures in Canadian contemporary art. In , Ireland saw its first witch trial, where Lady Alice Kyteler was accused of witchcraft.

Another account is found in 15th-century work by Jordanes de Bergamo, Quaestio de Strigis. But these accounts provide an extremely probable explanation for the old image of a witch flying through the air on a broomstick.

Flying ointment has gained new popularity in recent years as more modern witchcraft practitioners have explored spirit flight. There are all sorts of flying ointments mostly made from non-poisonous plants like mugwort available online and on Etsy. But we do want to end with a warning to not jump into making your own flying ointment at home.

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