General who said i shall return

The charismatic and dashing General was one of the most famous American military leaders in the world and his dramatic return to his beloved Philippines was a crowning achievement in his relentless battle to drive the Japanese Army out of Southwest Asia. The Universal Newsreel captured the moment. It was a redeeming moment after the devastating losses the U.

Army and Gen. MacArthur had endured two years earlier. Despite the early warning given when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Gen. By January the Japanese had driven the Allied forces onto the Bataan Peninsula and the situation was desperate.

MacArthur was forced to move his headquarters to the island fortress of Corregidor. As the situation deteriorated President Roosevelt ordered the General to leave for his own safety.

The General and his family and closest aides were forced to escape in the middle of the night and relocate in Australia. When Gen. MacArthur arrived in Australia he made his famous declaration:. President Roosevelt awarded Gen. Japanese forces were about to conquer the Philippines, and President Franklin D.

Roosevelt had transferred MacArthur to another location in the Pacific. MacArthur returned at the head of an American army in and freed the Philippines from Japanese control.

Would the Democrats rescind those rights if they were to return to power? They called for peace, reconciliation, and the safe return of Father Gregorio. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. Most travelers return home from trips revitalized and armed with new goals. At the end of the hair-raising hour journey, MacArthur told the boat commander, John D. He then took another aircraft and a long train ride down to Melbourne. During this journey, he was informed that there were far fewer Allied troops in Australia than he had hoped.

Relief of his forces trapped in the Philippines would not be forthcoming. Meanwhile, in the Philippines, Bataan fell in April, and the 70, American and Filipino soldiers captured there were forced to undertake a death march in which at least 7, perished. Then, in May, Corregidor surrendered, and 15, more Americans and Filipinos were captured. Joint Chiefs of Staff had no immediate plans for their liberation. After the U. Admiral Chester Nimitz, who as commander of the Pacific Fleet planned a more direct route to Japan than via the Philippines.

Unperturbed, MacArthur launched a major offensive in New Guinea, winning a string of victories with his limited forces. On October 20, , a few hours after his troops landed, MacArthur waded ashore onto the Philippine island of Leyte.

In February, Japanese forces at Bataan were cut off, and Corregidor was captured. Manila, the Philippine capital, fell in March, and in June MacArthur announced his offensive operations on Luzon to be at an end; although scattered Japanese resistance continued until the end of the war in August. Only one-third of the men MacArthur left behind on March 11, , survived to see his return.

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