Mar 18, Explanation: For all but about 20 transition metals, the Aufbau diagram is a useful tool that helps to determine the ground state electron configuration of an element.
Jacob T. Refer to the Aufbau Principle. Explanation: From the periodic table , iron has atomic number 26 , meaning that there are 26 electrons in each ground state iron atom. Related questions How do electron configurations in the same group compare? How do the electron configurations of transition metals differ from those of other elements?
How do electron configurations affect properties and trends of a compound? Jan 28, Related questions How do I know how to assign quantum numbers to electrons? How many electrons share all of the same quantum numbers? What are the quantum numbers for the first electron in "H" , "He" , "Li" , and "Be"?
What quantum numbers specify a 6s orbital? What quantum numbers specify a 6d orbital? The next six electrons will go in the 2p orbital. The p orbital can hold up to six electrons. We'll put six in the 2p orbital and then put the next two electrons in the 3s.
Since the 3s if now full we'll move to the 3p where we'll place the next six electrons. Iron occurs naturally in the known universe. It is produced abundantly in the core of massive stars by the fusion of chromium and helium at extremely high temperatures.
Each of these supergiant, iron-containing stars only lives for a brief while before violently blasting as a supernova , scattering iron into space and onto rocky planets like Earth.
Iron is crucial to the survival of all living organisms. Biological systems are exposed constantly to high concentrations of iron in igneous and sedimentary rocks. Plants also use sequestration and reduction mechanisms to acquire iron from the rhizosphere, whereas animals obtain iron from dietary sources. Once inside cells, iron associates with carrier proteins and with iron-dependent enzymes. Carrier proteins called ferritins present in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes store, transport and safely release iron in areas of need, preventing excess free radicals generated by high-energy iron.
Iron-dependent enzymes include bacterial nitrogenases, which contain iron-sulfur clusters that catalyze the reduction of nitrogen N2 to ammonia NH3 in a process called nitrogen fixation.