This has changed such that it will be reset near maintenance date when more than 30 days have passed since the last person entered the channel.
When you create a channel, you may choose to make it public and visible on the channel list, or make it private. The settings can be changed by going to the Channel Settings Only channel masters has the authority. If you are participating in a channel chat, the Channel Tab in your chat window will remain active. If the recommended stats are higher than the stats you have, it will be shown in Red. If your stats are higher than the recommended stats, it will be shown in Green. A "Block" option has been added to the popup menu when you click on the character name of a player who used Courier Bird.
Once blocked, their Courier Bird messages will no longer appear in your chat window. In the Social window, the "Dungeon" tab has been renamed to " Attempts ". The number of Nest and Dungeons that has reached their clear limits will now be reflected in the main headings. Instead, they will now be added into your cash inventory under the Usable tab. If you have a slot bag, but you only have 15 slots left to expand, you will be able to use it to expand the remaining 15 slots Max inventory slots is still Reset schedule has yet to be finalized, but we will announce the reset of Arena EXP 1 month before it takes place.
As compensation for the reset, we will reward the following to the top ranks:. Conversion costumes possesses powerful stats, and at the same time allows you adopt the appearance of other cash costumes. You have now given your Conversion Costume an appearance! This process does not destroy your appearance costume. You can reverse this process by going to the Magical Costume Mirror, and you can get back the appearance costume. You can even select another costume to use as the appearance at any time.
Shadow Euphoria PVE : Stacking effect is removed and the values of stackable effects will increase accordingly. Acanthus PVE : Attack power is increased. Detonate PVP : Cooldown is increased from 17 seconds to 25 seconds. Consecration PVP : Cooldown is increased from 35 seconds to 50 seconds. Gear Master. Contagion PVP : Cooldown is increased from 10 seconds to 20 seconds.
However, location is fixed when the skill is casted for attack confirmation. You will change to [Concentrate] state when [Energy] has reached maximum.
Dragon Nest Vaults obtained in Camp require a varying amount of Gems to open 45, 55, 60, 85, They are worth 40 Coins in Camp. Dragon Nest Vaults obtained in Levels are unlocked automatically. No Gems are required to open them. They are worth 0 Coins in Levels. Note that even though the Vaults are unlocked in Levels , as Level Rewards they are locked. Merge Dragons Wiki Explore.
Main Chains. Magic Mushrooms Mushrooms. Right-click an item to seal it. Some items require multiple stamps to seal. Once a stamp is used, it disappears. Allows you to ignore the daily mail limit. Also allows you to attach up to 5 items and use special stationary. Single use. Magic potion that can change eye color. Use right-click to change the eye color. After changing, cannot be reverted. This is a consumable item. Magic potion that can change skin color. Use right-click to change the skin color.
Allows you to dye your character's hair. Right-click to use.